Book Bodycoaching – your body – your life

This book is about encounters and also about ‘un-having to’. Meeting yourself and experiencing your body. It’s about courage to live, about courage instead of having to. About choosing strength instead of power. It’s about you in an ever-changing world.

I will take you on a practical and recognizable journey. The principles I use in this book come partly from numerology and birth positions within the family. The functioning of meridians, stress, the brain and organs is also described. In addition to the technical facts, I also describe the emotional signals that the body sends out when it is in a stressful situation. These different building blocks help you to clarify your processes. This way you discover more about yourself and it becomes clear what you could do to shape your life that suits you.

The tests and exercises described in Body Coaching are easy and immediately applicable. In addition, the book contains personal stories about encounters with people in different cultures. Body coaching challenges you to learn to understand the body’s signals, so that you can take control of your life again. Then Life becomes a journey full of interesting experiences.

There is an English version of this book available as E-book. Click on the link below. In the left upper corner you find flags for different languages. Click e.g. on the English flag and you’ll get the orderform in this language.


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